Aiming at greater accessibility and increased flow of information about the European Union for the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia and in accordance with their needs and interests the Secretariat for European Affairs, on 25 March 2007, opened MK – EU Info Centre. The increased interest of the citizens for accession into the European Union and the knowledge of its basic values set the baseline of the existence of MK – EU Info Centre.
The Info Centre represents an information window through which Macedonia acquires up to date and relevant data for the European Union. By nature, the role of the Info Centre is to contribute towards greater transparency of the process for integrating into the EU and demystification of the process of rapprochement of Macedonia towards the EU. MK – EU Info Centre has the aim to eradicate the euroscepticism which could arise due to insufficient information. The Centre is a corner for all the citizens where they could obtain relevant data and answers to their questions in relation to the process of rapprochement of Macedonia towards the European Union.
The Info Centre provides many benefits for the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia by enabling access to the internet sites and foreign newspapers that offer different data and information about the European Union, about the activities of the Secretariat for European Affairs, as well as about the reform processes which are implemented by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia.
The MK – EU Info Centre on a daily basis prepares press clipping of the domestic and foreign press through thereby following all the news and activities related to the approximation of the Republic of Macedonia towards the European family.
The Info Centre has a large fund of professional literature of approximately 600 titles in the field of the European Union. Moreover, there are available 500 professional and scientific books and textbooks by renowned authors that are used at the top and renowned universities in the USA, England, France and Germany, and which are translated into Macedonian.
A great number of information about the EU Member States and the European Union bodies and institutions may be obtained through the brochures, flyers and tourist materials which are offered.
Furthermore, various meetings, events, interviews and debates on various topics are constantly held in the premises of the Info Centre.
On 7 May this year, the Secretariat for European Affairs in cooperation with the UNDP and the EU Delegation in the Republic of Macedonia promoted the project-initiative “Youth for Europe” in the MK – EU Info Centre.
We are at disposal for all citizens every day from 9:00 to 17:00.
Telephone contact: (02) 3223 641