6/11/2014 18:26
In the premises of the Secretariat for European Affairs today a meeting has been held between the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, Fatmir Besimi, PhD and the Director of DG Enlargement of the European Commission, Ms. Alexandra Cas Granje.
During the meeting they have exchanged their views on the efforts and achievements of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia regarding the European integration reform process, as well as on the total political post-election situation in the country.
The Deputy Prime Minister Besimi has noted that the European integration process remains a strategic priority for the new Government of the Republic of Macedonia, which is in the process of formation. At the meeting he has given his assurance that the Republic of Macedonia, also in the future will continue to work committed on the reform process, the promoting of the relations with neighbouring and regional countries, the implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement and the fostering of the interethnic coexistence as a positive feature of our society.
Besimi has also indicated that the Government has adopted the revised National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis – NPAA, as broader national platform for the accession process. It is the result of mass inclusiveness, high capacity and ability of the Macedonian administration for planning the process despite the absence of screening and the date for initiation of the negotiations, which is a confirmation that the Republic of Macedonia is ready for initiating the negotiations, and the transition to the second phase of SAA.
The Deputy Prime Minister, at the meeting, has stressed that the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the national IPA structures have been working committed on the improving of the efficiency and effectiveness of the established decentralised system for implementation of IPA. Hence, the definition of concrete measures and deadlines means directly working to improve the operation of these structures as well as regular monitoring of the progress made by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia.
The discussions have been mainly focused on programming and on the recently adopted legislative framework from the European Commission for IPA 2, 2014-2020, including the next steps for consultation on the Framework Agreement, whose signature is required to be completed by the end of 2014, which will give an opportunity for concluding the individual financial arrangements.