1/31/2014 12:57
In compliance with the established practice and in order to strengthen the process of consultation with the civil society in terms of policy creation in relation to the process of European integration, the Secretariat for European Affairs today, 31 of January 2014, organised a debate on the National Programme for the Adoption of Acquis, revised version 2014.
The Deputy Prime Minister of the Government responsible for European Affairs, Dr. Fatmir Besimi emphasised that the activities for the harmonization of the legislation and accomplishment of the priorities of the European agenda all stakeholders in the country should be involved actively thereby providing greater transparency and involvement in the process.
The civil society representatives welcomed the initiative for consultations and their more active involvement and stated that it is necessary to establish a systematic approach of consultation and cooperation.
The Deputy Prime Minister Besimi stressed that the Secretariat for European Affairs welcomes further cooperation with the civil society on individual chapters of the Acquis and the establishment of mechanisms to ensure ongoing dialogue in the harmonisation process.
In this respect, the NGOs were invited to submit specific recommendations and suggestions for future Programme updates in the areas of their interest.