IPA 2007 - 2013
The Human Resource Development Component supports the candidate countries’ policy development and the preparation for the implementing and management of the Community Cohesion Policy, in particular in terms of their preparation for the European Social Fund (ESF). It is in compliance with the European Employment Strategy and with the revised Lisbon Strategy, taking into consideration Community objectives in the fields of employment, social inclusion, education and training, and gender equality.
The Component IV priorities for human resource development are in conformity with ESF Regulation for 2007-2013:
Increasing the workers and enterprises’ adaptability, in particular, lifelong learning, promotion of entrepreneurship and services for support in terms of restructuring.
Fostering the access to employment, unemployment prevention, in particular by promoting institutions modernisation in the labour market, implementation of active and preventive policies and activities relating to women participation.
Fostering social inclusion of people at disadvantage in employment, and combat against all forms of discrimination in the labour market.
Fostering partnerships and establishing networks in the fields of employment and social inclusion.
Extending and improving investments in human capital, in particular by promoting reforms in education and training systems.
Reinforcing the institutional capacity and efficiency of public administration and public services, social partners and relevant non-governmental organisations in employment and social areas.
The priorities are also in conformity with the Lisbon Strategy objectives: Accelerating economic growth, promotion of innovations and creation of new and improved job positions.
Component 4 is focused on three priority areas: employment, education and training, and social inclusion.
The objective is to attract and retaining as many persons in employment relation, to modernise the social welfare system, to increase investments in the human capital in order to accomplish higher growth, creation of improved job positions and to increase national competitiveness on international level.
Priority axis and measures are as follows:
Priority Axis: Employment: attracting and retaining as many persons in employment relation that is by
Measure 1.1. Further development of the Employment Agency and promotion of the employment conditions,
Measure 1.2. Support to the implementation of the Employment Strategy and NAP for Employment,
Measure 1.3. Integration of the young unemployed persons, women and longterm unemployed persons in the labour market,
Measure 1.4. Turning the informal economy into formal;
Priority Axis 2: Education and Science – investment in human capital through enhanced education and skills by
Measure 2.1. Modernising the educational and training system,
Measure 2.2. Enabling access to quality education for ethnic communities
Measure 2.3. Developing adult education and lifelong learning.
Priority Axis 3: Social inclusion – promoting an inclusive labour market by
Measure 3.1. Fostering social inclusion of people and areas at disadvantage,
Measure 3.2. Integration of minorities
Measure 3.3. Empowering relevant actors.
Priority Axis 4: The technical assistance aiming at more successful realisation of the anticipated activities and accomplishments of the desired and foreseen objectives, efficient monitoring, evaluation, project management and information dissemination. The assets to be used for technical assistance to all institutions included in this process have already been programmed. Moreover, this assistance is intended for training and preparation of national institutions of Republic of Macedonia for more efficient asset utilisation placed at disposal to our country through the European Social Fund.