IPA 2014 - 2020
The 2nd Call for Proposals within the INTERREG IPA CBC Programme Republic of North Macedonia – Greece 2014 -2020 is now open.
The Call is targeted and restricted, and is open for the
following Priority Axes and Specific Objectives:
Priority Axis 1: Development and Support of
Local Economy
1.1. Create employment opportunities
for educated graduates by exploiting comparative advantages of the cross
border area, preferably with the use of innovative tools and practices
1.3 Improve the attractiveness and promote
tourism in the cross-border area to enhance employment in tourism
Priority Axis 2: Protection of Environment -
2.4 Prevention, mitigation and management
of natural disasters, risks and hazards
The Call will be open until 10.03.2020.
The total (Union and national) indicative budget available for the Call is 6.000.000,00 euro.